Portrait, Portraiture, Realism, Contemporary Art | Dimensions: 100 x 150 cm. | Technique: Mixed Media | Over Painted Paper [Verso]. | Supporting Material: Paper. | Materials: Acrylic Paint | Chinese Ink | Spray Paint | Marker | Tape | Paper. | Recto: As seen in the photo. | Verso: Black.

Style: Portrait, Portraiture, Realism, Contemporary Art, Mixed Media, Acrylic.

Dimensions: 100 x 150 cm.
Technique: Mixed Media | Over Painted Paper [Verso].
Supporting Material: Paper.
Materials: Acrylic Paint | Chinese Ink | Spray Paint | Marker | Tape | Paper.
Recto: As seen in the photo.
Verso: White.

Title: Painting \ noun \ˈpān-tiŋ\
: a work produced through the art of painting
: the occupation of creating pictures with paint
Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Alias :  We Have A Map Of The Piano

NB: A part of Naturaleza Muerta Project. Naturaleza Muerta refers to a work of art depicting inanimate subject matter.


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